Rosimeire Vieira
3 min readApr 10, 2022


What does a wife expect from her husband?

Since it was created, the thing has been more a part of women’s lives, which are important things to do and accomplish important things of our female identity. Even today, a wife needs her husband to give her three things that satisfy the basic needs of her heart: security, freedom, and honor. And all three derive from the concept of agape love, the giving, sacrificial love with which a husband is commanded to love his wife (Eph. 5:25). A husband’s love brings security to his wife It is love that takes the initiative and man has been specially equipped by God to be initiated, or that seeks, that woo, that conquers, or that is already part of his nature. The woman who is thus won over feels secure in her femininity, in her more responsive nature. A loving husband not only earns his wife’s love but nurtures it through loving acts, such as holding her hand when they are together; of loving and complimentary words, for he knows that a woman is attracted by what she hears; of little ones and sacrifices that he might not make much sense of, like a gift, a bouquet of flowers, watching a special romantic movie with her or some plan just for the two of you; of respect for the person she is, for her different way of thinking and expressing herself The husband who treats his wife as a queen will have a queen for his wife. A Husband’s Love Frees a Wife Giving love is never limited, but aims to free the loved one to be all that God made him or her to be. He does not want to transform his own image, but rejoices in his uniqueness and beauty. “Love builds up” (1 Cor. 8: 1b), helps the wife to grow, to mature, to reveal herself in her essence. Recognize her gifts and encourage them, proving the means for her to do, even if it involves personal. He neither compels nor forces, but supports, extends his hand, collaborates. A husband’s love honors his wife A husband’s love is like a man on his wife’s shoulders, a symbol of her protection and caretaker. Underneath it, she feels valued, important, respected for who she is, who she is. She doesn’t need to fear her own life or the passing of the years and the arrival of wrinkles and gray hair, because she knows that her husband sees in her the beauty that never diminishes or ends but that is renewed and flourishes with each new phase of life. The husband who loves his wife as Christ loved the church seeks perfection, growth, maturation, and restoration of the person his wife was created to be, which will result in happiness and enjoyment for himself. This is the mystery of love in the marital relationship. Symbolized by the continuous roundness of the golden rings, it begins an endless process of giving that leads to the paradox that it is in giving that one receives, it is in doing oneself that one grows, it is in releasing that one is freed.

Source: Monergism



Rosimeire Vieira

I have been a Christian since my adolescence and I seek to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone who believes using the Holy Bible as a basis and faith.